Get the Sarco pod for Assisted death in Canada

Get the Sarco pod for Assisted death in Canada

Get the Sarco pod for Assisted death in Canada

You can now get the Sarco pod for assisted death in Canada. Unlike like Nembutal, it is legal and can be delivered without fear of the authorities. It is 3D printed and very easy to use. The best part is it doesn’t require any friend or family member to help you. All you have to do is set it up, get inside and press a button.

Named “Sarco” (for sarcophagus), the box allows a person to commit suicide without outside help. Inside, the candidate for voluntary death simply presses a button, releasing nitrogen. The saturation of nitrogen causes the individual to lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen, followed by painless death in a matter of seconds. The method does not require any poison to be swallowed or injected. Since “Sarco” is made from biodegradable materials, it can also serve as a coffin.

Get the Sarco pod for Assisted death in Canada

What is a Sarco?

It’s a human-sized capsule with a sleek design, with aerodynamics that suggest that it must move well through time and space. Presented in Switzerland in recent days after two years of controversy, the object is making waves. Not least because the journey it offers is one you’ll never come back from.

Why was the Sarco developed?

The Sarco is an expansion of the hypoxic death provided by a suicide bag. Many people will not consider euthanasia by suicide bag for aesthetic reasons, or may feel claustrophobic inside a bag. Nitschke calls this the “plastic bag factor”. The Sarco was developed to address these objections.

Is it possible to buy the Sarco pod in Canada?

If you are in Canada and looking for a peaceful exit, you can now buy the Sarco pod. This is the best way to go as it is painless and peaceful. The Sarco pod will also act as a coffin hence reducing the expenses after you pass. It is very easy to use and a better option to Nembutal or a suicide bag.

Send inquiries today to the Peaceful Pill Canada if you are looking to get end-of-life information or looking to order the Sarco pod.

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