Buy lethal dose of Nembutal in Canada

Buy lethal dose of Nembutal in Canada

Buy lethal dose of Nembutal in Canada

When we say buy lethal dose of Nembutal in Canada we mean the quantity required for a peaceful passing. This quantity varies from country to country but the standard dose is 9grams even-though there are stories of people who survived 16grams.

We will be looking at the lethal dose of Nembutal with respect to euthanasia in the Netherlands, United States of America and Switzerland.


In the Netherlands, Nembutal is part of the standard protocol for physician-assisted suicide for self-administration by the patient. It is given in liquid form, in a solution of sugar syrup and alcohol, containing 9 grams of Nembutal. This is preceded by an antiemetic to prevent vomiting.

United States of America

It is taken by mouth for physician-assisted death in the United States states of Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and California. The oral dosage of Nembutal indicated for physician-assisted suicide in Oregon is typically 10 g of liquid.


In Switzerland, Nembutal is administered to the patient intravenously. Once administered, sleep is induced within 30 seconds, and the heart stops beating within 3 minutes. Oral administration is also used. A Swiss pharmacist reported in 2022 that the dose for assisted suicide had been raised to 15 grams because with lower doses death was preceded by a coma of up to 10 hours in some cases.

Where to buy the lethal dose of Nembutal in Canada

If you are looking to buy the lethal dose of Nembutal, then you are at the right place. It should be noted that the lethal dose of Nembutal is 12Grams but we always advice 15grams to be on the safe-side. When you make contact with us, we give you a list of the vendors to source Nembutal from. Upon contacting the vendors, let them know why you need the product and ensure they give you the lethal dose.

We insist on this because anything less than the lethal dose will leave you in a vegetative state and that will be really bad. Once your product is delivered, make sure to measure it yourself and ensure it is actually 15Grams before consuming it. If you have any worries, do not hesitate to contact us for clarifications.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the lethal dose of Nembutal which you should be comfortable with is 15Grams. You should never order below that is you are looking to use Nembutal for assisted suicide. Also buying Nembutal online can be very cheap when you know the real sources and all you have to do is contact us.

Peaceful Pill Canada is always present and ready to help at no charge. We understand what it means to live with a terminal disease and will do anything within our reach to help you find ”PEACE”.

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